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Affordable Full Coverage Auto Insurance

When it comes to insuring your automobile there are times when your needs can clash with your means, leaving you forced to choose between getting all the coverage you could want and having an affordable policy.

It’s no secret that most people would prefer to have full coverage auto insurance. It’s the only way to protect the investment you’ve made in your car if it is damaged by anything other than an accident caused by another driver. This includes theft, vandalism, a natural disaster or an accident cause by you.

A full coverage policy goes beyond just liability coverage. It always includes at least comprehensive and collision insurance, and for those who can afford it, it might include other extras such as roadside repair… etc.

If your insurance provider gave you a quote for a full coverage policy and it was too expensive, then chances are that you are simply using the wrong company and it is time to change providers. Since it is in the best interest of all insurance companies to offer new customers low premiums to attract business, comparison shopping will often have the biggest impact on lowering your insurance rates.

great deal car license plateKeep in mind that the term “cheap” does not have to have a negative connotation. Lower prices do not always mean poor services. It is possible to get the same level of coverage at a lower price by comparing insurance quotes.

Here are even more ways to make your full coverage insurance more affordable:

  • Experiment with a higher deductible. If you think that the chances of being involved in an accident are slim, experiment generating some quotes with a higher deductible. You will pay extra if you file a claim but you pay less in monthly premiums.
  • Group your auto insurance policy with your homeowner’s or health insurance. Getting them all from the same provider will usually reward you with bonuses or discounts.
  • Install a a GPS theft tracking device. Most insurance companies will give you a discount on full coverage insurance if you have such a device, especially if you live in a city that has high vehicle theft rates.